San Diego Gas & Electric

♪ SDG&E can take your profession or your career anywhere. The rotational program here at SDG&E starts an engineer on an 18 month path in three separate departments. Innovation at San Diego Gas and Electric is at the forefront. I am extremely proud of the company, I’m extremely proud to be a part of a team. I spent six months at three different rotation sites. The sites ranged from transmission engineering to working at our operations center for the distribution grid and then working in our substation facilities.

That’s helped me grow and gain experience and get me on that track. A big part of what I do is not just engineering or project management, it’s also customer outreach. We’re definitely connected to the customer. It’s primary for us. SDG&E is a utility company. We have been in San Diego and additional areas for over 130 years. We are a Fortune 500 company. We serve about 3 million households and we have about 5,000 employees. SDG&E really embraces employees and the community as a whole. Here at SDG&E it’s a lot like a family. When it comes to the people that we work with, the diversity here at SDG&E, teamwork, experience levels, there’s a lot of innovative, diverse engineers that we have the ability to work with. That adds value. We’re the third largest utility in California and I feel like we’re small enough to make quick changes to a fast evolving industry. We are at the Energy Innovation Center. This is a place where SDG&E can showcase many of our innovations in conservation. We have a kitchen here and we teach classes about conservation.

I can’t tell you how many times I show my kids what I’ve built and what I’ve engineered and the projects that we successfully built here at San Diego Gas and Electric. There’s a lot of pride in what we do. I am extremely proud. Never in a million years thought I’d be in leadership because that wasn’t the path I had chosen but once I got here opportunities were opened up; The leaders pushing and saying you can do this, try this, I believe in you and doors were opening. The opportunities are endless. There’s opportunity whether you’re in accounting or engineering or land management. There’s many things that you can do here at this company.

Having come to safety with an engineering background has opened my eyes up to so much more. I’m proud to say I work here with how innovative we are. The opportunity the company hands a young engineer to first off see three different departments in their first year and a half is something no other company does that I know about. In terms of opportunities here at San Diego Gas and Electric the sky’s the limit. I love my job. It’s been great. It has been absolutely amazing..

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