hello and welcome to a video about saving money bit of a strange one for me to be honest but it’s something that I’ve wanted to share with everybody for ages I tell my friends about these little tips and I’ve always thought I need to make a video and tell people these little tips that they might not have even thought about what as ways to just help you save money if you’re new to this channel my name is Kat I’m 30 years old and I try to upload videos once a week this video is kind of something for myself to come back onto him and say listen to your own advice I’m just gonna get a second to these little tips that should help you yeah just save money in day-to-day life and generally around the home tip number one look at who your energy supplier is I used to be on a different energy supplier for my gas and a different energy supplier for my electric this was about about five years so ago and I used to play paid quarterly so it was actually very very expensive and I never really realized it wasn’t really something I’d looked at before and paid attention to and then suddenly I discovered this guy called Martin Lewis and I think I just saw him on was on this morning or something and he’s basically the money saving expert if you haven’t heard of him go to his site subscribe to his newsletters because they come weekly I think and there’s loads of little tips about deals and offers that are going on in different websites just it’s all about not encouraging you to spend if you if you don’t things that you don’t need to you but just telling you about those little things that if you are looking to buy a certain project here’s a website where you can get a discount and then just little tips and tricks and tips tips and tricks about car insurance and home insurance and mortgages and saving accounts and all those kind of things so if you’re if you kind of new to that kind of stuff and you really don’t look in detail at those kind of things he makes it really really simple and that’s what I love about the site so get yourself on over there and subscribe to his emails because they are favor very helpful so the first thing you need to look at with your energy is go to these comparison sites or go straight some Martin Lewis website there’s an energy-saving Club email you can also sign up to get ahold of your bills and there should be estimates on that you usage how much electricity you use and how much gas you use per year and there will be this standing charge of how much because electricity and gas that you both get both of them get stunned and charged the pay per day like 16 people a day for example and then there’s also the unit usage so that’s how much you’ll actually use and these two things you need to pay attention to because energy companies are always changing and always giving up at the moment but you need to keep switching your energy supplier to make sure you’ll follow in the cheapest rate it’s so simple though it sounds like oh my god that’s a lot of hassle it really isn’t a lot of hassle I have I changed mine last September time I think and Angie’s places some wisdom cents I’m actually in a fix deal for a year until next September and I’ve checked on the Martin Lewis energy Club and you type in your details you type what weights you on at the moment and at the moment I’m on the basketball impossible so obviously great because I’m fixed with that one for until September then I’ll go on to that and to be honest EE email me prior to that anyway or when I’m out with that fixed Tim I’ll get an email to tell me anyway if a better deal does come up that energy club will send you an email and it’ll tell you you’re not on the cheapest rate get yourself this website change it’s so easy though honestly it just takes a few clicks and it changes for you and it’s so simple just honestly I couldn’t explain how simple it is to do it sounds really scary but it’s so easy and it just swaps over it’s really simple like this it’s so simple just do it obviously the amount of money you can say I’ve actually saved myself about three hundred pound straight away for the year um just an energy got an electric so I use the same company for both and do it direct debit now so it works out how much roughly you use per year and it just splits up into a monthly payment so I just pay the payments Ward’s my gas and electric each moment it just comes out of my bank card you have to think about it in the summer months obviously use last gasp laughs heating it will you might be paying too much Pearman but then that will give you credit in your counts that when the winter comes it will take from that a little bit if you need to pay more than your monthly payments anyway it works all out for you so don’t worry it’s really clever and you don’t have to worry about it too much but just get yourself switched on to the best cheapest rates and just we evaluate each because it really makes a massive difference such an easy way to save many many that you don’t even realize is like going out if you’re coming you don’t need to be paying that much next up I found recently i literally i think i discovered this through the martin lewis website this video should be sponsored by martin lewis he included in one of his weekly emails about how water companies are giving away free free things to help save water in your home so I click through onto it and it will come up with your water supply this website and you just sign up to it and different areas are given up different free things now I’m on a water meter they’re sending me about 20 pounds worth of things that send me something or even a war but it’s a skill if there’s suddenly some earth it and the only thing I can remember is it’s something that goes in the top of your in the cistern bit of your toilet which helps which reduces the amount of water that goes into that tank a bit so it would juice as the amount of water it uses on each flush so think about how many times you flush like that’s just water just be a new twist and if you have less in there and you don’t really need that much it’s just a waste of wastewater so it really helps them to go and I think so not received it yet but hopefully I literally only ordered it the other day but that’s free free things so yeah I definitely advise click through to that I’m gonna leave all the links to things below in the bottom in the description so that you can just click them and access them really easily another little bit of simple advice and would be to shop at Aldi or Lidl or these kind of cheap sieve markets I don’t know what are you from but the cheaper safe markets that aren’t asked Oh Asda Sainsbury’s Morrison’s if you go to the cheaper ones like Aldi and Lidl which are the ones we have in our area it saves you so much money we do our weekly shops at Aldi all the time and the amount we spend there in comparison to how much we do spend in task Oh is ridiculous we save so much money occasionally we’ll we’ll get like a bottle of milk from Tuscon we’ll pop in occasionally and sometimes it’s nice to look at there the different things did you do getting a little bit of air I mean you can do you do this anywhere even if you shop a store or anywhere else pays you get into like a little bit of a rest of buying the same things for dinners and stuff and obviously Aldi is an ass big there isn’t as much choice as Tesco and us today but the actual Foods they do have the quality’s brilliant so it’s just yeah give it a go if you haven’t tried it other good shops to buy things for them like your toiletries and thickness bnm and home bargains and all of the pound shops because it’s pointless buying them from Asda and Tesco because yes I’ve got some things on offer but the difference in prices all these little things just a dirt and if you can just go and do you like toiletries sharp at bnm or home bargains you save so much money it’s just ridiculous the difference in prices sometimes just think of all those little things that you buying you’re shopping like milk and thing is they’re just a few pennies cheap reality when you buy like a 50 pound shop the amount you can get an obvious so much more so if you don’t know I do shop at those kind of shops just go to it just will make such a difference if you just want to save those pennies and it’s just sometimes we think that we can’t save many we think that we’re doing the best we can by not spending so much and all these things and we’re not thinking about these big things they would make a massive difference if we actually made a little bit of effort to to change them and paid attention to you know the fact that will actually spend a mini that we don’t need to be spending next tip is back it’s the Martin Lewis website once more it’s where I discovered this was not my friend club my friend class had genius with this kind of thing she’s got about a million different bank accounts and so this is yeah about bum clumps basically your current bank account how long have you been with that for I know that I was with Barclays I think since I was like 16 and I never thought about a change in it because why would you and then I read this email my friend Clare told me all about it some banks give you incentives to join them they give you free money literally many for nothing you don’t have to do anything apart and switch your bank account and it’s so simple I was talking to a friend about the other day I’m always going on about changing your bank if I went to my friends saying oh you get free money and she thought it was going to be a massive effort and I’ve been told of it no it’s really simple you just like ten minutes sit down with a computer fill out a form what have you and then it just it just changes it but even though I’ve been talking to about us for any ejs I’ve been mentioning to here and then the other day she said our yeah but I can’t bother changing all of my all of my time at debit so you’ve ever know what oh my god did I not mention it literally does all that for you you don’t have to do anything yourself there’s this thing called the switch guarantee and if you just click through it from the Martin Lewis website make sure that you can just go to the cultural blacks websites and do it as well fill out a form takes like 10 minutes and it swaps everything for you and the reason it’s time either when you’re you’ve got no bank account it will send you a card I changed mine last week again I’ve done it about four or five times now I think I’ve been round all of the points that I can possibly get it I’ve literally probably made about probably make about four hundred pound or something free just free money I keep saying literally free money it’s completely free money and for a tiny tiny bit of effort and yes you’ve got to change your bunkie you get a new bank account card you’ve got to think you’ve got to remember your PIN but you can this is another thing you can actually get the pin to be kept the same but I haven’t done that on every single time and I don’t know why it’s such a simple thing I’m pretty sure you just ask them to keep the same pin but I haven’t done that I just keep loading a new PIN I don’t know why it would take two minutes probably but nevermind yes you’ve got to do that but thousand you doesn’t your banker so I just got mine last week they opened up the account fake they tell you a date that they’re going to switch it and you can actually like nominate a day as well that you want it to switch they’ll send you card I’m your PIN there but everything you need ready for that day so on that day it just swaps over just like that you do nothing you take one back card with you one day and the next day you put your new bank card in place and then you spend on that so simple and all of your direct debits get changed for you you work everything get notified of where to send you money or where to take money out of or for you you do nothing do it so there’s quite a few if you go to the Martin Lewis website there’s quite a few and he’ll always update it with new bank accounts and which ones that are giving you the best like free money the volley of terms and conditions so make sure that you read them for example there’ll be a tampon charge for one bank account if you unless you pay over a thousand pound and it’s in speech month so as long as you’ve got a wage over a thousand pound or you put in that much money into it cuz even you don’t even have to if you’ve got another a couple of them at the money in and that account tells you you have to pay into it into the bank account over a thousand pound you could actually if you were we got six hundred pound a month you could put some money from another account into that and then take it out again and you’ve still actually put in the thousand pound a month even though it’s not stayed there so yeah there’s there’s wasting up this is how my friend Claire literally has so many different ones and she just sets it standing orders and stuff to like make them all get the best out of all of them so yeah if you’ve not thought about changing you back if you didn’t know this existed if you thought it would be complicated get yourself on to that website it won’t take you long and it’s free money I know that you have to consider your credit rating so obviously if you’re saving for a mortgage you’re you know you’re going to get some sort of credit for something obviously that will affect your credit score so you do have to bear that in mind if you are but at the moment I’m not so I’m just swapping and change from a bank as I please another little tip to do with banking is if you do have some savings pay attention to where you put those savings interest rates are changing all the time if you just have your money in your current account you’re getting no interest on that money you can have your money somewhere else even if it’s just a couple of thousand in another bank account that earns you in trust it’s so worth it you your money’s just sitting there you may as well get a little bit of interest even if it’s just 20 pound for a year something it’s better to get that than getting nothing it’s free money again there’s nothing to you know there’s no question about it again it doesn’t take long and again you can go to the boston lewis website and he will show you the back saving of savings accounts that are around at the moment and there’s different terms and conditions to those there’s ones where you can access shoot there’s Isis where you can access your money anytime you want that’s fixed Isis where you can you have to kind of lock your money away those you do get higher and just be do have to lock you money what you have to know that you’re not going to need that money in the next few years or what have you but there’s so many different ones and I know it can be a little bit like oh my god which one do I use it’s a new couple days ago this is what it’s all fresh in my mind right now and I wanted to share it all with you just because the other day I was trying to play around with mine and put them because the one that I had my savings in the interest rate had gone right down and it was good at the beginning and then it gone right down it was just like why am i keeping it in there and actually two minutes on the Martin Lewis website probably long – two minutes few minutes on the Martin Lewis website and he listed the top savings accounts that you did have easy access to you because I wanted to be able to have that just in case I needed the money and I swapped it just like that done and obviously in a year I’ll check again because they always need to fire you as well and always email you to tell you that your interests mates going down and sometimes it can come up that’s always good as well I’ve actually recently opened a helped by ISO as well even though I don’t know for sure whether I’m thinking of buying my own house and it’s just the interest rates and weight in it is good anyway so you might as well so if you you’ve got some mini to put somewhere you may as well open one of those as well and you put about so I actually will go over the figures because I call it up you put a certain amount in one month and then you I think you can put in 200 or 300 pound a month thereafter – there’s a maximum amount and basically the government will give you money when you apply it to get a house it’ll just help towards your mortgage if you’re ever thinking about getting a mortgage you may as well go down that route if you’re a first-time buyer I don’t know whether this is something that you’ve heard a lot about anyway but car insurance never let your car insurance or to renew its it’s ridiculous they charge you a ridiculous amount of money the secondly go for your car insurance get a deal for the year and then if you don’t find another company do some comparisons with how much they’re charging that was also renew if I might do it by accident if a couple years ago and I kind of didn’t yeah I knew it was coming up and I thought I had more time than I did and it auto renew it something less and opposed to say all the emails to say you’ve just paid like six hundred pound for your car insurance and I panicked because I am usually do go on to the cup comparison sites and make sure I’m getting the best deal but it was okay I phoned the most straight away you put it in and you get a four seed day cooling down period so if that ever happens to you don’t panic you can get out of it within the 14 days as long as you notice that’s gone out with your bank account I think that’s what happened literally I let you check my bank account in God and I was is six hundred comp and take it out I ended up paying about 300 pounds of my car insurance and start again engage them awesome newest website he has um a little order of the way that you should check the comparison sites I don’t know but I still don’t really understand why you have to check them in a certain order but I really don’t know why and he has a list of the order you check them in and if you tell your yeah and if you find a better deal you don’t necessarily have to change it you can always wind your current provider of car insurance and tell them you’ve seen a better deal can you can you match it and yeah you can kind of negotiate with them so it’s always worth poking them out when trying to negotiate as well better deals and so yeah that’s always a very stressful day there doing your car insurance it is a bit of a nightmare I don’t like doing it because you yes it’s simple but it’s also just stressful and it does take hours to just say that it takes me a long time I think but it does stress me out a bit that’s everything I can think of for now I think and so yeah let me know if any of these tips have helped you if the things that you haven’t really heard of before oh it’s encouraged you to kind of pay a little bit more attention to these kind of things and if you’ve got any other ideas as well any of the tips that I might not know about please let me know in the comment section thank you so much for watching if you did stick it out this hallway with me just going on and on about finances and stuff and if you did find this interesting please let me know if you found it really really boring let me know that as well if it was a complete waste of time see you all next time [Music]
Read More: Martin Lewis’ Saving Advice | This Morning