How To Buy a Water Heater: Gas or Electric | Kenmore

[MUSIC PLAYING] Don't wait until your hot water goes
out to replace your water heater. Whether you're planning ahead or facing
a problem with your current unit, this video walks you through how
to buy a storage-tank water heater. It is important to replace the
existing water heater with one that is compatible with your home. Here are the primary considerations
in selecting a water heater. It is very important to note whether
your water heater is gas or electric. First, let's talk about gas. Natural gas is far more
common than liquid propane. Natural gas is delivered to the
home from underground piping. Propane is typically used
in areas without natural gas and is stored as a liquid in a tank. The vast majority of gas water heaters
use a vertical vent, or chimney. Some also attach to the vertical
venting of your HVAC system. If your water heater has a
horizontal vent through the wall, you will need a specialized power
vent, or direct vent, model. Electric water heaters use an
electrical heating element, and do not require any venting. Replacement water heaters need to
fit into the same spot in the home.

If not, installation will require
significant and often expensive changes to plumbing and
gas or electric wiring. The majority of water heaters
hold 40 or 50 gallons, though they range in capacity
from 30 to 80 gallons. Water heaters come in tall and
short, and the width may vary. Make sure you know what size
water heater will fit your needs. Before coming into the store,
calling our dedicated hotline, or shopping online, it
would be best to measure the height and width of
your current water heater and note its tank capacity. Also keep in mind that it needs
to fit through your doorways and maybe fitting into a tight
space, like a closet or crawlspace. Here's a couple of other
things to consider– depending on the number of people in your
household and the size of your home, you may need more hot water.

Consider a water heater with greater
tank capacity and a faster recovery rate that is compatible with your home. Water heaters come with different
warranty options, as well as a variety of extended protection agreements. Consider which one
would work best for you. Check to see if the water heater
you're looking at purchasing is ENERGY STAR qualified. They save money over time and
may be eligible for state tax incentives and local utility rebates. To recap– note your water heater's
fuel type– either gas or electric. If gas, check whether your water heater
uses natural gas or liquid propane and the type of ventilation. Make sure to choose a water
heater that will fit in your home.

Note your current water heater's
capacity, dimensions, and its location. Lastly, consider whether you need more
hot water, the right warranty for you, and whether you want a
more energy efficient unit. Those are the basics on how to
select a storage-tank water heater. Call, click, or come in store
if you have any questions. [MUSIC PLAYING] .

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